Table of Contents

glAccum - operate on the accumulation buffer
glActiveTextureARB - select active texture unit
glAlphaFunc - specify the alpha test function
glAreTexturesResident - determine if textures are loaded in texture memory
glArrayElement - render a vertex using the specified vertex array element
glBegin - delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives
glBindTexture - bind a named texture to a texturing target
glBitmap - draw a bitmap
glBlendColor - set the blend color
glBlendEquation - set the blend equation
glBlendFunc - specify pixel arithmetic
glCallList - execute a display list
glCallLists - execute a list of display lists
glClear - clear buffers to preset values
glClearAccum - specify clear values for the accumulation buffer
glClearColor - specify clear values for the color buffers
glClearDepth - specify the clear value for the depth buffer
glClearIndex - specify the clear value for the color index buffers
glClearStencil - specify the clear value for the stencil buffer
glClientActiveTextureARB - select active texture unit
glClipPlane - specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped
glColor - set the current color
glColorMask - enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components
glColorMaterial - cause a material color to track the current color
glColorPointer - define an array of colors
glColorSubTable - respecify a portion of a color table
glColorTable - define a color lookup table
glColorTableParameter - set color lookup table parameters
glConvolutionFilter1D - define a one-dimensional convolution filter
glConvolutionFilter2D - define a two-dimensional convolution filter
glConvolutionParameter - set convolution parameters
glCopyColorSubTable - respecify a portion of a color table
glCopyColorTable - copy pixels into a color table
glCopyConvolutionFilter1D - copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolution filter
glCopyConvolutionFilter2D - copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter
glCopyPixels - copy pixels in the frame buffer
glCopyTexImage1D - copy pixels into a 1D texture image
glCopyTexImage2D - copy pixels into a 2D texture image
glCopyTexSubImage1D - copy a one-dimensional texture subimage
glCopyTexSubImage2D - copy a two-dimensional texture subimage
glCopyTexSubImage3D - copy a three-dimensional texture subimage
glCullFace - specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled
glDeleteLists - delete a contiguous group of display lists
glDeleteTextures - delete named textures
glDepthFunc - specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons
glDepthMask - enable or disable writing into the depth buffer
glDepthRange - specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates
glDrawArrays - render primitives from array data
glDrawBuffer - specify which color buffers are to be drawn into
glDrawElements - render primitives from array data
glDrawPixels - write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
glDrawRangeElements - render primitives from array data
glEdgeFlag - flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary
glEdgeFlagPointer - define an array of edge flags
glEnable - enable or disable server-side GL capabilities
glEnableClientState - enable or disable client-side capability
glEvalCoord - evaluate enabled one-dimensional and two-dimensional maps
glEvalMesh - compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines
glEvalPoint - generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh
glFeedbackBuffer - controls feedback mode
glFinish - block until all GL execution is complete
glFlush - force execution of GL commands in finite time
glFog - specify fog parameters
glFrontFace - define front- and back-facing polygons
glFrustum - multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix
glGenLists - generate a contiguous set of empty display lists
glGenTextures - generate texture names
glGet - return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetClipPlane - return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane
glGetColorTable - retrieve contents of a color lookup table
glGetColorTableParameter - get color lookup table parameters
glGetConvolutionFilter - get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel
glGetConvolutionParameter - get convolution parameters
glGetError - return error information
glGetHistogram - get histogram table
glGetHistogramParameter - get histogram parameters
glGetLight - return light source parameter values
glGetMap - return evaluator parameters
glGetMaterial - return material parameters
glGetMinmax - get minimum and maximum pixel values
glGetMinmaxParameter - get minmax parameters
glGetPixelMap - return the specified pixel map
glGetPointerv - return the address of the specified pointer
glGetPolygonStipple - return the polygon stipple pattern
glGetSeparableFilter - get separable convolution filter kernel images
glGetString - return a string describing the current GL connection
glGetTexEnv - return texture environment parameters
glGetTexGen - return texture coordinate generation parameters
glGetTexImage - return a texture image
glGetTexLevelParameter - return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail
glGetTexParameter - return texture parameter values
glHint - specify implementation-specific hints
glHistogram - define histogram table
glIndex - set the current color index
glIndexMask - control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers
glIndexPointer - define an array of color indexes
glInitNames - initialize the name stack
glInterleavedArrays - simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays
glIsEnabled - test whether a capability is enabled
glIsList - determine if a name corresponds to a display-list
glIsTexture - determine if a name corresponds to a texture
glLight - set light source parameters
glLightModel - set the lighting model parameters
glLineStipple - specify the line stipple pattern
glLineWidth - specify the width of rasterized lines
glListBase - set the display-list base for glCallLists
glLoadIdentity - replace the current matrix with the identity matrix
glLoadMatrix - replace the current matrix with the specified matrix
glLoadName - load a name onto the name stack
glLogicOp - specify a logical pixel operation for color index rendering
glMap1 - define a one-dimensional evaluator
glMap2 - define a two-dimensional evaluator
glMapGrid - define a one- or two-dimensional mesh
glMaterial - specify material parameters for the lighting model
glMatrixMode - specify which matrix is the current matrix
glMinmax - define minmax table
glMultMatrix - multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix
glMultiTexCoordARB - set the current texture coordinates
glNewList - create or replace a display list
glNormal - set the current normal vector
glNormalPointer - define an array of normals
glOrtho - multiply the current matrix with an orthographic matrix
glPassThrough - place a marker in the feedback buffer
glPixelMap - set up pixel transfer maps
glPixelStore - set pixel storage modes
glPixelTransfer - set pixel transfer modes
glPixelZoom - specify the pixel zoom factors
glPointSize - specify the diameter of rasterized points
glPolygonMode - select a polygon rasterization mode
glPolygonOffset - set the scale and units used to calculate depth values
glPolygonStipple - set the polygon stippling pattern
glPrioritizeTextures - set texture residence priority
glPushAttrib - push and pop the server attribute stack
glPushClientAttrib - push and pop the client attribute stack
glPushMatrix - push and pop the current matrix stack
glPushName - push and pop the name stack
glRasterPos - specify the raster position for pixel operations
glReadBuffer - select a color buffer source for pixels
glReadPixels - read a block of pixels from the frame buffer
glRect - draw a rectangle
glRenderMode - set rasterization mode
glResetHistogram - reset histogram table entries to zero
glResetMinmax - reset minmax table entries to initial values
glRotate - multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
glScale - multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix
glScissor - define the scissor box
glSelectBuffer - establish a buffer for selection mode values
glSeparableFilter2D - define a separable two-dimensional convolution filter
glShadeModel - select flat or smooth shading
glStencilFunc - set function and reference value for stencil testing
glStencilMask - control the writing of individual bits in the stencil planes
glStencilOp - set stencil test actions
glTexCoord - set the current texture coordinates
glTexCoordPointer - define an array of texture coordinates
glTexEnv - set texture environment parameters
glTexGen - control the generation of texture coordinates
glTexImage1D - specify a one-dimensional texture image
glTexImage2D - specify a two-dimensional texture image
glTexImage3D - specify a three-dimensional texture image
glTexParameter - set texture parameters
glTexSubImage1D - specify a one-dimensional texture subimage
glTexSubImage2D - specify a two-dimensional texture subimage
glTexSubImage3D - specify a three-dimensional texture subimage
glTranslate - multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
glVertex - specify a vertex
glVertexPointer - define an array of vertex data
glViewport - set the viewport