
QTDEI: Research and Systems @ Sword Health

The Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) of the Institute of Engineering of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Critical Computing Systems Engineering (MESCC), invites to participate in another webinar "Critical Computing Series: Research and Systems @ Sword Health", that will take place on april 26th, at 18:30 PM, room B202.

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QTDEI: Representation of multimedia data streams and their efficient delivery in computer networks

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme "Representation of multimedia data streams and their efficient delivery in computer network ", which will take place on April 27th, at 5pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B301.

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QTDEI: Acessibilidade na Web

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Computer Engineering (MEI), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme "Acessibilidade na Web", which will take place on May 2nd, at 6pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B203.

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Entrega de Prémios 2020/2021 e 2021/2022

Passado o período conturbado da pandemia, o Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) retomou a tradição de homenagear os estudantes dos seus cursos que, pelo esforço e dedicação, se destacaram pelos resultados obtidos.

Assim, no dia 30 de março foi reconhecido o mérito aos estudantes que concluíram os seus cursos no ano letivo de 2020/21 e no dia seguinte (31 de março) foi a vez do DEI enaltecer os estudantes diplomados em 2021/22.

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QTDEI: Quality in engineering: the road to excellence

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Computer Engineering (MEI), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme "Quality in engineering: the road to excellence", which will take place on February 28th, at 6pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B203.

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