
QTDEI: Using parsers to understand existing code

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme "Using parsers to understand existing code", which will take place on May 13th, at 2pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B303, with online streaming.

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QTDEI: Prompt Engineering

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Computer Engineering (MEI), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme “Prompt Engineering”, which will take place on May 13th, at 6 pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B103.

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QTDEI: Technical Writing for Engineers

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Computer Engineering (MEI), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme " Technical Writing for Engineers ", which will take place on April 15th, at 6 pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B103.

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Candidaturas para a 1.ª fase dos cursos de pós-graduação do ISEP

Decorrem, de 4 a 18 de dezembro, as candidaturas para a 1.ª fase dos cursos de pós-graduação do ISEP, para o 2.º semestre do ano letivo 2023/2024. Os cursos de pós-graduação do ISEP são um excelente complemento às licenciaturas e mestrados, possibilitando a aprendizagem e a consolidação de conhecimentos, adquiridos na formação de base

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QTDEI: Critical Computing Series - Desafios dos sistemas de condução autónoma

O Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), numa iniciativa conjunta com o Mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas Computacionais Críticos (MESCC), convida à participação no webinar – “Critical Computing Series: Desafios dos sistemas de condução autónoma”, que terá lugar no dia 06 de Dezembro, às 18h30.

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