Quality in engineering: the road to excellence

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Computer Engineering (MEI), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme "Quality in engineering: the road to excellence", which will take place on February 28th, at 6pm, at ISEP.

he event will take place in room B203.


The models and concepts of quality management have been evolving over the last few years, increasingly seeking to help organisations to obtain the total satisfaction of their clients! For this reason, organisations that used to base their quality management on obtaining ISO 9001 certification, now consider that this is not enough, and seek to adopt other philosophies, such as Lean and Six Sigma, to improve their processes. Aspiring in this way to reach levels of excellence, such as the EFQM Model or the Shingo Model.

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José Carlos Sá is MSc in Industrial Engineering and Bachelor Degree in Production Engineering, both from University of Minho, Portugal. In 2015 he was awarded the title of Specialist in Quality Management, by Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal. He was director of quality and continuous improvement, director of production, and was also a consultant for several companies over 20 years. Currently, he is Adjunct Professor and Lean Six Sigma Post-Graduation Coordinator at the School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal). He taught in Higher Education since 2005. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Technological Sustainability Journal (Emerald) and member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering. He is also a member of Review Board of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI). He has more than 70 papers (WOS+SCOPUS) published.

Data: 2023-02-28

Horário: 18:00

Local: Room B203

O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.

Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt

Organização: This lecture is organized by QTDEI in collaboration with the Master in Informatics Engineering (MEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP).