AI Master Class "Juggling Speed, Cost and Quality on the Road Towards Data Excellence"

On September 30, at 6 pm, the AI Master Class ”Juggling Speed, Cost and Quality on the Road Towards Data Excellence” will be held.

The rise of the crowdsourcing paradigm for data collection and annotation allowed the industry to overcome some of the limitations it faced in the past (such as scalability and diversity). However, this shift brought a new set of challenges. Contrarily to data created in-house by experts, and in order to guarantee comparable performance levels, gathering data through crowdsourcing requests for stricter and more systematic approaches to quality (checking for both fraud and substandard work). Furthermore, a modern crowdsourcing platform, such as Neevo, also has to take into account the expectations of cost and speed for both requesters (clients) and contributors (crowd), while maintaining a sustainable and ethical data ecosystem. In this presentation, we will present some of the challenges (and hopefully some solutions) across these dimensions at DefinedCrowd.

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Rui Correia
Dr. Rui Correia is Lead Data Scientist at DefinedCrowd. Has a PhD in Language Technologies through the CMU|Portugal program (2018) under the topic "Automatic Classification of Metadiscourse" and his areas of interest include Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Crowdsourcing, NLP, and more recently, the interaction between them. With more than 10 scientific papers already published, Dr. Correia has more than 10 years of experience within the NLP field and 8 years of crowdsourcing experience.

Data: 2021-09-30

Horário: 18h

Local: Online on Zoom:https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/85386931212?pwd=N1lvVFNsakZTckZ0N3JLUXo0YUVaZz09
Access data
Session ID: 853 8693 1212
Access code: 855054

O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.

Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt

Organização: This Master Class is organized by QTDEI, in collaboration with the Research Group on Engineering and Intelligent Computing for Innovation and Development (GECAD) and the Masters in Artificial Intelligence Engineering (MEIA).