QTDEI: Representation of multimedia data streams and their efficient delivery in computer networks
The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme "Representation of multimedia data streams and their efficient delivery in computer network ", which will take place on April 27th, at 5pm, at ISEP.
The event will take place in room B301.
The seminar will start with a brief presentation of digital representation of multimedia data (i.e. audio and video). Then, methods, architectures and protocols used to deliver multimedia data streams in computer networks will be analyzed – taking into account three basic scenarios (interactive communication, video on demand, live streaming) and various environments (local and wide area networks, the Internet). Adaptation of multimedia data streams’ volume into variable network conditions to provide the best possible Qualiy of Experience (QoE) will be also discussed. Utilization of IP multicast as a promising and scalable way of multimedia data delivery in the Internet will be announced as well.
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- Informação Adicional
Łukasz Czekierda is an assistant professor at AGH University of Krakow, Poland. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in computer science. His scientific and research interests include networked multimedia systems, distributed systems and telemedical systems – with special emphasis on interactive communication in computer networks. He is an author or co-author of more than 40 scientific papers and book chapters in these areas and a participant of many national and international research grants. Łukasz Czekierda is also the originator and the main architect of TeleDICOM system for remote, collaborative analysis of medical imaging data in DICOM format and the Cisco Academy instructor.
Data: 2023-04-18
Horário: 5pm
Local: B301
O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.
Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt
Organização: This lecture is organized by QTDEI in collaboration with the Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP).