Machine Learning
In this session you will be introduced to the very basics of Machine Learning, focusing on a hands-on approach. You will be given a telco dataset and together with Celfocus team you will code your way into your first classification Model, starting from analysing the dataset into analysing the first metrics of your model, as our teams regularly do (considering the simplicity of the use case).
It will be an interactive session, where code snipets will be provided and solution/implementation discussions are promoted. You are expected to learn the basics of a ML pipeline and be motived to pursue this fascinating field on your own.
- Knowlegde in Python (even if basic).
- Jupyter notebook installed in your computers with the following libraries:Sklearn, Numpy, Scypy, Matplotlib
- Motivation to be in this session!
- Oradores
- Data e local
- Inscrições
- Informação Adicional
Luís Santos currently manages AI Strategy and Innovation at CELFOCUS, after joining the company in early 2018. He is responsible for all Data Science teams in projects for Network Operations, Digital TV, IoT and ramping up Customer and IT Operations pilots. Embedded with a cross-domain mindset, his current technical areas of interest are anomaly forecasting, multi-objective decision making and online Machine Learning applied to real time data streaming. Since early 2015, he was an Invited Assistant Researcher acting as a Project and Technical Manager for the H2020 GrowMeUp Project (GA 643647, where he developed an interest in the market for AI enabled technological solutions within the societal challenge of Aging. Before - since 2007 - he was a full-time scientific researcher in the areas of Machine Learning, Behavior Analysis, Social Robotics and Human Robot Interaction.
Data: 2022-04-06
Horário: from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Local: Rooms B402
Lotação: 25 persons
As inscrições são efectuadas através do HelpDesk - opção "inscrição em eventos".
Alunos externos ao DEI-ISEP
Para mais informações:
Estes eventos são gratuitos, mas exigem inscrição, sendo o número de vagas limitado.
Os workshops HandsOn@DEI destinam-se prioritariamente aos alunos do Departamento de Engenharia Informática, mas estão abertos aos restantes membros da comunidade ISEP, caso existam vagas disponíveis.
Cabe à organização a confirmação atempada das inscrições.
Se por algum motivo não puder participar depois de confirmada a inscrição, deverá comunicar a desistência para se proceder à respetiva substituição.
CELFOCUS:Luis Santos, Margarida Afonso
DEI: Alexandre Gouveia, Bertil Marques, Paulo Proença e Rosa Reis