CMMI @Critical Manufacturing

The Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP), in collaboration with the Master in Computer Engineering (MEI), invites to participate in another lecture, this time with the theme " CMMI @Critical Manufacturing ", which will take place on September 25th, at 6pm, at ISEP.

The event will take place in room B203.


Short overview of Critical Manufacturing;

Overview of the CMMI Model – What does the model consists in, why can it be useful to an organization and it’s evolution from v1.3 and v2.0.

Critical Manufacturing implementation of CMMI, why was it helpful for us and the journey so far.

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Carla Neves
Graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from the Faculty of Engineering, Porto University 2007. She’s been at Critical Manufacturing since its beginning, where she started as a Software Assurance Engineer, assuming the role of Quality Area Manager in 2017 and accumulating the role of Product Manager for Medical Devices in 2021. She is also a certified Scrum Master since 2015 and a certified Scrum Product Owner since 2023.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carla-neves-8a0bb811/

Data: 2023-09-25

Horário: 18h

Local: B203

O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.

Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt

Organização: This lecture is organized by QTDEI in collaboration with the Master in Informatics Engineering (MEI) of the Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP).