Lecture How can parsers be used in industrial projects?
On 7th june, at 6 pm, the Lecture << How can parsers be used in industrial projects?>> will be held.
Parsers are components that can be used in different types of software. In this presentation, we will discuss their industrial applications in interpreters, compilers, editors, and transpilers. We will discuss some architectural and design principles which can be useful when building software using parsers. Where possible we will provide concrete examples referring to open-source projects or industrial projects built at Strumenta.
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Federico Tomassetti
Federico Tomassetti is a Language Architect at Strumenta, a boutique consulting studio he co-founded. In his role at Strumenta, Federico is involved in different Language Engineering projects, ranging from the definition of Domain Specific Languages for different domains, to the design of transpilers, editors, interpreters, and compilers. He got his PhD in Language Engineering between Italy and Germany. He speaks regularly at conferences and organize the Strumenta Community, to held discussions around Language Engineering.
Apresentação: apresentação Federico Tomassetti.pdf
Data: 2021-06-07
Horário: 6pm
Local: Online via Zoom:https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/85191744581?pwd=eXFESVhCSE13QUQyWGplOWVybE1ZQT09
Access data:
Session ID: 851 9174 4581
Access code: 266429
O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.
Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt