
Internet of Things

Internet of Things is about connecting internet-enabled devices with other devices or into a platform, collect and process data, transform into information and ultimately achieve planned outcome.

Let’s drive through a typical IoT architecture, building blocks and key concerns.

Traditionally, brick-and-mortar stores knew activity only at the front door and at check-out. Everything else was a black hole devoid of any real data other than subjective, untrusty evidence. It's needed to address the lack of client knowledge and therefore be closer to insights gathered online. Only then, it’s possible to add value to client and also business.

So, are you ready to code an IoT application?


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Eduardo Brandão - Infrastructure, Equipment and IoT Architect @ SONAE MC (bit)
Back from years with distinct roles working with SAP systems in Automotive industry, gladly embraced the Retail challenge where nothing standstills. This fast pace industry pressures retailers to be more efficient, increase business margins and focus on customer experience. To do so, innovation is a driver to achieve these goals. On our session, we’ll address IoT architecture with a business purpose.

Rui Félix Pereira – Cloud Solutions Architect @ Microsoft
Rui is a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, primarily focus on helping Azure clients in the design of cloud solutions architectures and in the development of applications based on the most recent standards. With more than 10 years of experience in software development and solutions architecture, he spent the last 3 years focused on designing and creating IoT solution for different businesses, based on cloud services and in the concept of “IoT as a Service".

Data: 2020-05-27

Horário: 10:00

Local: Microsoft Teams

Lotação: 30 pearsons

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SONAE: Daniel Valente, Eduardo Brandão e Rui Pereira

DEI: Alberto Sampaio, Isabel Sampaio, Bertil Marques, Marílio Cardoso, Paulo Proença e Rosa Reis