Security Vulnerabilities

No dia 6 de janeiro (quinta-feira), às 20H40, realizar-se-á a Palestra – "Security Vulnerabilities".


At this lecture, IT security vulnerabilities will be discussed, what to know and how to solve them, with examples of common vulnerabilities according to OWASP.

Língua: portuguesa com materiais apresentados em inglês.

  •  Oradores
  •   Data e local
  •   Inscrições
  •  Informação Adicional

Luís Andrade has been part of the Audit team at S21sec in Portugal, since November 2019, as a Vulnerability Management Engineer, a role performed within the scope of S21sec projects with multiple customers. Since the current year, he has been a Cyber Security Engineer at Critical TechWorks and a Scrum Master of the Vulnerability Management Team on the BMW Group project. Luis has a degree in Informatics-Computers and Systems Engineering, completed at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. He has had a career of over 20 years as a Systems Administrator and transitionally as a member of the IT security team at CSIRT.FEUP. He was also an IT Consultant at a multinational in England.

Apresentação: Orador Luis Andrade

Moderador: Professora Doutora Isabel Azevedo

Data: 2022-01-06

Horário: 20h40

Local: Evento online via Teams: clicar aqui.

O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.

Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt

Organização: Esta palestra é organizada pelo QTDEI do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), e será moderada pela Professora Doutora Isabel Azevedo.