Performance as a feature

O Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), numa iniciativa conjunta com o Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (MEI), convida à participação em mais uma Palestra, desta vez sobre o tema “Performance as a feature”, que terá lugar no dia 6 de Dezembro, pelas 18h10, no ISEP.

O evento será presencial, na sala B203.

Performance can mean making a sale or losing the customer to the competition. However, it is frequently oblivious. In this talk, we will analyze how complex navigating performance can be and how critical it can be for a large-scale business. We will try to frame performance as a feature, focusing on what we can use for its close monitoring and what sort of best practices we can use to keep it under control.

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Manuel Garcia has 18 years of experience in software development. He worked in several areas but has specialized in manufacturing and semiconductor industries, where he worked on multiple projects and technologies. In one way or another, Manuel was always very close to web development, working both on the back end and front end. Following that path, Manuel joined Farfetch in 2017 to work on farfetch.com with multiple teams to improve processes and take farfetch.com to the next level. He's a performance geek and has been developing a performance mindset at Farfetch ever since.

Data: 2022-12-06

Horário: 18h10

Local: O evento será presencial, na sala B203.

O evento não necessita de inscrição prévia.

Para mais informações: qtdei@dei.isep.ipp.pt

Organização: Esta palestra é organizada pelo QTDEI em colaboração com o Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (MEI) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP).